Instructor Information

Instructor Information

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CORE and NLS Instructors of New Zealand

CORE Instructors of New Zealand (CINZ) is an affiliated society of the New Zealand Resuscitation Council. It is the organisation for instructors certified by the NZ Resuscitation Council. Through CINZ, resuscitation instructors are represented on the Council. 

Aims of CINZ 

  • To promote excellence within the structure and delivery of the CORE Framework. 
  • To represent the views of members on matters relating to CORE and resuscitation education. 
  • To share information about research opportunities, job opportunities and conferences in the area of resuscitation. 
  • To provide a forum for discussion and advising the NZRC on modifications to the CORE Framework. 
  • To provide educational support and resource information for providers of CORE courses. 
  • To organise conferences and an annual meeting (to be held in conjunction with the NZRC Conference) that offers workshops related to CORE delivery. 
  • To provide a “mentor pool” that can be used to support CORE instructors. 
  • To undertake any other activities relevant to resuscitation in New Zealand. 


The NZ Resuscitation Council looks to CORE certified instructors to maintain a high-quality standard of teaching and assessment, coupled with a commitment to CORE that reflects the value that we place on resuscitation education. 



Current CORE or NLS are members of CINZ, and current Emergency Care Instructors have a CINZ Affiliate membership. All members are automatically also members of the Association of Emergency Care Instructors (ASECI).

A CINZ member may only deliver New Zealand Resuscitation Council courses for which they have been approved by the Council. For example, a CORE instructor is not automatically entitled to deliver a Newborn Life Support (NLS) course. 


To maintain a current CORE and NLS instructor status, you must maintain the requirements set by the council 

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CINZ is an association governed by the CINZ Rules

Executive Committee 

CINZ Executive Committee members are:  

  • Brendan Harris (Chair)
  • Renee McKeany (Past Chair)
  • Amanda Kerr (Secretary) 
  • Stephanie Rowson (Honorary Treasurer) 
  • Sharon Owen 
  • Jayne Conning

New Zealand Resuscitation Council Responder Training Framework 

For more information about responder training

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