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Past Newsletters

Ella's Story: "I know I did everything I could, because I was trained."

Geoff’s story did not end how anyone expected.  At 62 years old, Geoff was fit and healthy, running a motel in the Hutt Valley and enjoying the pleasures of life along with his wife of 40 years, Alison.  

Tennis players rally to save woman's life

When Registered Nurse Jane Brunton was playing tennis on a hot Waikato summer morning she didn’t expect the woman serving opposite her to collapse. Jane initially thought that the woman was suffering from heat stroke, as they had been playing three hours of interclub games in 30C temperatures. Jane and her teammates had considered ending the game earlier because of the heat.

Neil's Story: “You don’t think you’ll need it until one day you do - get the training before you need to use it".

Neil has often been at the right place in the right time to save a life. When he started going to annual first-aid training for his job, he didn’t expect these skills to be used so often throughout his life. His message to people thinking about becoming first aiders: “You don’t think you’ll need it until one day you do - get the training before you need to use it".

Kate's Story: "Don’t wait for a tragic event to happen to get trained to save a life. It is very easy to learn"

Kate Robb is a Registered Nurse with over 39 years of experience, describing herself as having a basic need to help people. As a Critical Care Nurse, Kate is familiar with responding to emergency situations. However Kate didn’t expect that on a family holiday she would have to render help to someone in need.

Quality Resuscitation Credentials Must be Standardised:  An Open Letter to Key Stakeholders for Future Planning

Obituary: Dr Richard Aickin

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